Hubert Lamy – 2020


Tasted in Saint Aubin with Olivier Lamy, 22 November 2022. Domaine Hubert Lamy 20 rue des Lavières 21190 St.Aubin Tel: +33 3 80 21 32 55 More reports for Domaine Hubert Lamy. Domaine Hubert Lamy is another domaine that has chosen to show wines only after bottling, hence, they were absent from my reports…

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There is one response to “Hubert Lamy – 2020”

  1. Lars Simonsen27th December 2022 at 12:59 pmPermalink

    What does HD cuvee mean?

    • Marko de Morey de la Vosne27th December 2022 at 8:53 pmPermalink

      Lars, HD = ‘Haute Densité’ as Bill refers to in full in his notes above for teh Criots-Batard HD, St.Aubin 1er Derrière Chez Eduard HD & Puligny Les Tremblots HD.

      Haute Densite refers to Olivier Lamy’s what was originally experimentation (going back quite some years), now a more wider practice, with vine planting densities to capture even more from the terroirs – as in significantly higher/greater planting densities than ‘the norm’. As you might have noted from Bill’s tasting notes Olivier makes ‘normal’ cuvees & HD fruit cuvees from the same terroirs with the HD wines commanding a significant premium & demand.

      Olivier is, imho, a really top guy, great company, and superb vigneron.

    • billn28th December 2022 at 8:50 amPermalink

      Hi Lars,
      And thanks to Mark for his description.
      If you’d checked out the link in the first paragraph of this report, you would have had some explanation there too.
      All my best

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