In the great scheme of things it matters not a jot, but just for the record the sunshine has this week brought about the first instances of bud-break in the Côte d’Or.
The forecast remains good (double-good as I’ll be there for a long weekend!) but we are two weeks ahead of the average so a wary eye will be kept on the forecast; nobody wants frost, and normally people don’t breath easily until May!
There are 2 responses to “two weeks early…”
Encouraging !!!
I’m praying, and crossing various parts of my anatomy, for an early vintage this year !
The parents in law’s golden wedding anniversary inconveniently falls in late September (23rd/24th ?) with a 3 line whip on for attendance from ‘she who must be obeyed’.
Highly ‘inconvenient’ – with Morey or Pernand already ‘calling’.
M de Morey
you have it right, everything is moving quite well over here. Most areas are indeed 3 weeks ahead of the norm.
and Mark, not wishing you to miss harvest, but I am hoping things slow down and that we will have a longer harvest. Couldn’t we both just hope for a late start, perhaps in late September, early October, full maturity, low acids? You could make the event and harvest. 😉
I’m not a bit surprised Ray. What is that now – almost 4 weeks without rain, and virtually contiuous sun?
There might be a few owners having to cancel their August holiday in Fiji ;o)