arlaud vendanges – the reprise!
'Mark de Morey' was eventually found - not at the bottom of the destemmer, rather with a full inbox in his Blackberry - de rigeur for pickers this year you know! Trying to fix both that and his cherished camera slowed him down a little, but unbowed, here's the continuation of his story...
vendangeurs arrive – herve checks the register early morning morey dawn 27sept early vendange – bourgogne roncevie by rn74
Domaine Arlaud Diary
Monday 29th Sept
My notes, now, several days later, tell me we did Morey Les Blanchards premier cru this morning and afternoon we did Morey Les Milandes premier cru although has been suggested we did the latter yesterday – your writer now !! By checking the Morey map in Coates latest tome am sure doing ‘Blanchards’ morning was correct – supported by one or two photos taken, including a couple of my fellow vendangeurs (male) pisse dans les vignes ! Recall the grapes looked very healthy indeed - large pendulous, clean looking, bunches from Milandes. Read More
grower interviews with jasper morris mw
Listen to Jasper Morris (MW) of UK merchant Berry Bros & Rudd as he works his way through visits with Les Héritiers du Comte Lafon (Dominique Lafon), Domaine du Comte Armand (Benjamin Leroux), Olivier Merlin, Patrick Javillier, the Bret Brothers, Patrice Rion, Domaine du Clos de Tart (Sylvain Pitiot) and… Read More
Round-up of wines tasted
No slurping or spitting! This is a compendium of wines that, in the main, were really drunk with food, friends and family between March and August 2007. There main exception in these pages are that the majority of the 1997’s were tasted at a large gathering in Beaune in… Read More
three (more) blancs from 1997
1997 Morey-Blanc, Saint Aubin 1er Combes Medium yellow. The nose is understated and high-toned. The palate isn’t! Waxy, deep and softly concentrated. The acidity is not so well integrated but this remains a very enjoyable wine. Rebuy – Maybe 1997 Hubert Lamy, Saint Aubin 1er… Read More
burgundy 2013 harvest – wednesday 2nd october…
Ever get the feeling that you are 1 or 2 days late? Despite a swathe of the Côte de Nuits being untouched, indeed needing at least another week in some areas, I see the pictures of Jadot’s Musigny rolling along the triage table (today…) and can’t help thinking – ‘oops!’… Read More