MapRully map
CategoryCommunal/Village appellation since 13/06/1939 for villages and the latest update was 1992 for the Premier Crus..
Wines from this appellation can also claim the apellations (labels) of Bourgogne & Côteaux Bourguignon. The Rully AOC has premier cru climats; the list shown below
Commune(s) of productionSaône et Loire > Chagny & Rully
– for premier cru climats this appellation may be followed either by the words Premier Cru, or by the name of the climat of origin, or both
– for climats not classed as premier cru by the name of the climat alone.
The 23 climats classed as premier cruAgneux, Champs Cloux, Chapitre, Clos du Chaigne, Clos St Jacques, Cloux, Grésigny, La Bressande, La Fosse, La Pucelle, La Renarde, Le Meix Cadot, Le Meix Caillet, Les Pierres, Margotés, Marissou, Molesme, Montpalais, Pillot, Préaux, Rabourcé, Raclot, Vauvry
Villages ‘Lieux-Dits’ allowed on labelsBas de Vauvery, Bas des Chênes, Brange, Chaponnière, Chatalienne, Chêne, Cloux Louvrier, Crays, En Thivaux, En Vésignot, Fromange, La Barre, La Billeraine, La Chaume, La Crée, La Curasse, La Gaudine, La Martelle, Le Truyer, Les Cailloux, Les Gaudors, Meix de Pellerey, Montmorin, Moulin à Vent, Plante Moraine, Plantenay, Rosey, Varot, Villerange
Colours and grape varietiesRed: pinot noir. Allowed ‘accessory’ varieties: (15% maximum) chardonnay, pinot blanc or pinot gris
No Rosé
White: chardonnay and/or pinot blanc, with an ‘accessory’ grape (15% maximum) of pinot gris
Area in productionAssigned:
352 ha, red and white, of which 119.2 ha are classed Premier Cru.
Maximum yield per hectareRed Villages – 54 hl/ha
White Villages– 60 hl/ha
Red Premier Cru – 52 hl/ha
White Premier Cru– 58hl/ha
2018 CropRed Villages: 4,595 hectolitres
White villages: 10,595 hectolitres
Red Premier Cru: 1,350 hectolitres
White Premier Cru: 4,032 hectolitres
1 hectolitre (hl) = 100 litres = 133 bottles
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Source: BIVB

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