MapChorey les Beaune
CategoryCommunal/Village appellation since 31/07/1937.
Wines from this appellation can also claim the apellations of Côte de Beaune Villages, Bourgogne Côte d’Or and Bourgogne.
Commune(s) of productionCôte d’Or, Chorey-lès-Beaune:
The following climats are entitled to this appellation and may appear on the label:
Aux Clous, Champs Piétant, Confrelin, La Maladérotte, Le Grand, Le Grand Saussy, Les Beaumonts, Les Bons Ores, Les Champs Longs, Les Closeaux, Les Crais, Les Grandes Rêpes, Les Pertuisotes, Les Petites Rêpes, Les Ratosses, Petits Champs Longs, Pièce du Chapitre, Plantes des Plantes, Poirier Malchaussé, Saussy, Trot Garnier, Tue-Boeuf
Climats classed as premier cruNone
Colours and grape varietiesRed: pinot noir. Allowed ‘accessory’ varieties: (15% maximum) chardonnay, pinot blanc or pinot gris
No Rosé
White: chardonnay and/or pinot blanc, with an ‘accessory’ grape (10% maximum) of pinot gris
Area in productionAssigned: 154.42 ha
In production: 133.5 ha
Maximum yield per hectareRed – 50 hl/ha
White – 57 hl/ha
2018 CropRed: 6,448 hectolitres
White: 706 hectolitres
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Source: BIVB

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