Other Sites

“Burgundy is always too hard or too soft – that there is no in between…”

By billn on January 12, 2022 #other sites

…this is the result of the flawed configuration of its unequal and disproportionate parts, which tear up the pores of the organ when they are not yet dulled; and which, becoming dulled afterwards, suddenly cease to make a sensory impression.

And of course, to counter:

The wine of Reims is thin, not quite wine-flavored, and acid, which, like most other white wines, has the strength to make urine, but very little to nourish and to warm.

Found today, and worth 15 minutes of your time…

a new site

By billn on January 24, 2021 #other sites

I would say from a friend, certainly a co-taster at many a domaine. Guillaume Baroin, late of the RvF and since last year going it alone.

Here’s his new site – en Français – bien sûr! Enjoy if you’re interested.

‘understanding’ minerality…

By billn on October 04, 2019 #a bit of science#other sites

From their excellent ‘Science’ series, here is a well-written and information-packed, but not too long(!) read. Enjoy:


j-lo & shite – the geordie guide to white burgundy

By billn on March 13, 2019 #other sites

It’s a year or-so old, but it just popped-up in my YouTube feed today – what a lovely, fun video – highly recommended!

let’s call it an hommage, shall we?

By billn on March 13, 2019 #other sites

I read Christie’s recent posting with a sense of deja-vu – it was less than a couple of hundred words in their summary of Domaine Rousseau, and it was also far from identical – but I think the resemblance is stark.

1. Christie’s this week:
“In 1951 Charles Rousseau found himself at Victoria Station in London clutching two suitcases: one contained his neatly pressed shirts and trousers, and the other was stuffed with bottles of glorious burgundies form (sic) his family’s vineyards in the village of Gevrey-Chambertin. He visited his sole foreign client, a director at the British Broadcasting Corporation, before pounding the pavements of London, peering through shop windows to see if they sold wine within.
The bemused wine merchants smiled kindly at him and his wines before wishing him well on his way out…”

2. Me in 2005 and 2016:
“To that end in 1951 he found himself in London’s Victoria Station, two suitcases by his side. He first visited that very rare thing – an existing ‘foreign’ client – a director of the BBC, before setting about visiting as many companies as possible who might have an interest in his wines. He mainly chose his targets by looking through their windows to see if they already sold wine!
It was tough; his targets were happy, if rather bemused, to entertain Charles in their offices…”

I’ve pointed the similarities out, without response.

a little gratuitous horse ploughing :)

By billn on February 26, 2019 #other sites

In French, from Marie-Antoinette Szczypiorski of the the French wine publication, Bettane et Desseauve, following the team of Chandon de Briailles in Corton Clos du Roi…

icymi – week 38 – mainly expensive & forged this week

By billn on September 21, 2018 #other sites

Wine Searcher have been off my article radar for a while now – rarely offering something to pique my reading lust, but there are two in two days this week:

  • Burgundy: Breeding Ground for Unicorn Wines
    Worth reading, but always with the ‘Yes, but…’ in the back of my mind. For all the blah, blah about pricing – people should note that for the top three wines (price-wise) in Don’s list – combined – there are probably less than 600 cases in the whole world each year – with all my connections, I might be able to assemble one or two of them per year – bottles, not cases! For 99.99999% of people who may read this article, their name is not on the list – including, usually, me… In the real world, when a bourgogne starts at €20 and a villages at €40 – now that’s the real problem to think and talk about…
  • Running the Numbers on Rudy’s Fake Wines
    Stuart is well-placed to offer thoughts on this, having got caught up in the world of the White Club – seemingly well-extracted from that, he has some thoughtful analysis…

icymi – recent reading…

By billn on September 11, 2018 #in case you missed it#other sites

A few things I’ve read in the last days:

Burgundy Report

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