I know that I’ve bored you on this subject before but it’s something of an evergreen – articles popping out of the woodwork years after the idea has been put forward. But that works both ways – it also gives me the opportunity to vent once more 😉
Indeed, identity IS a hard-won thing.
The thing is, that Burgundy IS that identity in the English-speaking (Anglophone) world, an identity that has been honed over many, many generations, in many, many magazines and in many, many books and by generations of winemerchants.
Is it not enough that we have to endure the LouisVuittonification of the wines and, slowly, also the themeparkification of the Côte d’Or? Now they want us to change a name that means something inalienable to so many people.
I can’t discount that it could be my age that’s to blame but I simply say no!
There is one response to ““Identity is a hard-won thing””
Well, Bill, I see your point, but burgundy is actually the name of a color. Plus you say, to-may-toe, I say, to-mah-toe, ….etc.