hail, at home


hail at home

Yesterday was just another day in the waves of storms that we’ve seen at home for a week, or more. Hail caused some damage to the leaves of many garden plants – my pinot noir a little too. But my garden was relatively untroubled compared to about 25 km away in the Emmental where the hail-stones were much larger – they killed storks in their nests on the rooftops – 15 juveniles and even 2 adult birds too.

Not a good day…

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There is one response to “hail, at home”

  1. gvpwine30th June 2021 at 12:27 pmPermalinkReply

    Hi Bill
    Weather everywhere has become an “enemy,” though it is our own doing. From heat to destructive storms. Sad for the storks!

Burgundy Report

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