My May 2020 look at 2018 Pouilly-Fuissés found a surprisingly balanced and delicious range of wines – even some of the larger négoce cuvées were outstanding – Louis Max’s wine practically being my white wine ‘buy’ of the year. As we can see, it doesn’t always work that way though:
2018 Baronne du Chatelard, Pouilly-Fuissé
Medium depth of young lemon-yellow colour. The nose has just a little herby/zesty interest and decent width of aroma too. Easy over the palate, easy in the flavours, modest bitters in the equally modestly citrussy finish. A wine that’s simply too easy, practically to the point of becoming a little bland. Tasty but, essentially, far too forgettable in the context of so many surprisingly good wines from this hot vintage.
Rebuy No