Storm-clouds in Beaune yesterday evening.
All was very quiet in the vines on Sunday – there was 2-3mm of rain in the morning followed by the return of the sun in the afternoon. The evening forecast suggested storms and it was dry but indeed rather dark when we quit Beaune, direction Bern, at 6pm (above).
Today has seen the first pickers that I’m aware of* (with images) – right. Picking in the Côte de Beaune, Antoine Olivier is attacking his pinot noir in Savigny-lès-Beaune’s 1er Les Peuillets this morning.
*I later saw that Jean-Michel Chartron had picked his (red!) Puligny 1er Clos des Caillerets on the 14th August. The team of Pierre Glantenay, in Volnay, were, like Antoine Olivier, picking on the 17th.
It’s a vintage where, as Olivier Fichet showed last week, where the pinot seems to be ready before the chardonnay – evidenced by a lack of Ente, Lafon, Lamy, Dancer and Roulot in the vines, at least, so far! I saw David Croix jetting through Beaune on his (non-electric) cycle on Saturday and he confirmed that he would be starting his picking tomorrow. One day later it will be the Hospices de Beaune making their first secateur-action. Benjamin Leroux, on Sunday, was giving less away but said ‘yes, very soon, probably just a few more days.‘
And my home domaine? The debut of our harvest was planned for next Monday, the 24th, but it’s been brought forward to this Thursday – we attack!!