A jog from Nuits to Vosne – and back again.
I saw Guillaume Tardy – he told me that he lost 10-15% of his Nuits Bas du Combe to hail impacts on Friday evening – which is on the northern side of Nuits – but vines he has on either side of these were unaffected – so it was very localised – I have seen some very modest impacts in Vosne though practically nothing. I do note that even some of the smartest of vineyards have a far from elegant caking of almost dry mud at the bottom of the slopes – a lot of rain that was delivered on Friday evening.
There is some green harvesting underway in the grand crus of Vosne, though mainly just leaf-thinning in La Tâche. As for harvesting, Guillaume is thinking 05-08September to start, but he’ll take stock when he comes back from his (imminent) holiday!