puligny-blagny-meursault-puligny – cross-country…


Looking down on Puligny from La Garenne

I might have started at 5pm, the but the temperature was never lower than 26°C for my 7km of cross-country – I’ve not yet adjusted to the temperature – so it could have been easier! Starting at Hotel Le Montrachet, through the vines and up past Chevalier-Montrachet, through the brush, higher through St.Aubin Dents du Chien, taking the right-turn between Le Trezin and La Garenne to Blagny and then the route separating Meursault Charmes and Puligny Combettes. Finally right-turn back to Puligny and a cold drink back at Hotel Le Montrachet.

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There is one response to “puligny-blagny-meursault-puligny – cross-country…”

  1. Marko de Morey19th April 2018 at 10:00 pmPermalinkReply

    Ah, memories ! What a superb walk (randonee) this is. Thanks for bringing back the memories from autumn 2016 Bill & the superb views of ‘proper’, off the ‘beaten track, Burgundy. Precise route is on the Beaune Tourisme website along with several other nice walks – around the Hill of Corton is also ace. If you jogged today’s ‘walk’ in ‘warm’ weather Bill then, wow, respect – but are you mad ???? You’d be needing a cold drink (or few), if not counselling 🙂

Burgundy Report

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