For the second year in a row, exports of Beaujolais have grown.
Figures compiled by Business France from French customs data show an increase of 5.7% in volume and 7.8% in value for the year 2017 versus the same in 2016. 40% of the production of Beaujolais is now exported.
Europe accounts for 35% of all exports by volume and 29% by value, growing in 2017 by 11% in volume and 14% in value versus 2016.
The five largest export markets today are, in order: the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom followed by Canada then China + Hong Kong (together) – this is the first year that China/Hong Kong have entered the top 5, having overtaken Belgium to do so. Of these markets, only Japan showed a reduction in sales – but it was an important 7% reduction in the second largest market outside of France, it is because of this reduction that the United States now have pole position.