wet, wet, wet…


Prehy, today…

No, not the crooning Scottish boy band – before Boy Bands were a ‘thing’ – but rather the weather.

December started in the vein of the winter of 2015/2016 – cold, frosty, there was even some snow. Since then there have been waves of wind, rain and warm-fronts. The weather has been much more typical of the run of recent vintages – rather too warm – typically 6-12°C with plenty of rain.

As far as the rain is concerned – despite the flooding of some small streets in Chablis and me having to negotiate the ragondins (coypu!) by night – this is probably a good thing given that the summers and autumns of the last couple of years have been very dry. The bad thing, of-course, is that the temperatures mean that the growth-cycle starts earlier – the Forsythia is in full bloom – there are bulbs pushing out from the soil – and we are only in mid-January. Not a great place to be in late April when, like the last two years, frost is a distinct possibility.

Still, the views between the squally rain-showers can be lovely – just like today…

Agree? Disagree? Anything you'd like to add?

There are 4 responses to “wet, wet, wet…”

  1. suvroinhi16th January 2018 at 3:33 pmPermalinkReply

    Send some of that rain to the parched areas of California!

  2. Mike Golub16th January 2018 at 6:55 pmPermalinkReply

    Especially in Napa and Sonoma Counties!!

  3. billn16th January 2018 at 9:48 pmPermalinkReply

    Come, take all the water you wish! Only the coypu will complain – in January at any rate!

  4. Marko de Morey16th January 2018 at 11:01 pmPermalinkReply

    There’s a world and life beyond the insular naked self interest of Californians (and the USA) – which also gets wet !

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