A sleeping giant awakens!
I sent Ray Walker my article for his ‘right of response’ a few hours before I publicly linked it by publishing my September 2016 Report:
Today a response, which I offer for transparency:
On 26 January 2017 at 09:23, Ray Walker
you will have my response shortly. For now, feel free to use the blog post that I made as a first instalment.
[my edit] link [end of my edit]
In short, your facts are not straight.
On 26 January 2017 at 09:46, Ray Walker
And Bill
I hope you have a great lawyer.
Of-course, Ray’s response is only in the spirit of “doing things in the right way“
There are 3 responses to “prodigal…”
Sounds like Donald Trump.
I actually met the man in his Nuits digs a few years ago and was quite taken with his drive and generally forthcoming attitude. Despite the fact that he had been somewhat cavalier with the agreed time of our appointment, he took out a fair chunck of his afternoon to spend with us.
His wines were lightish, but not without a certain elegance and all seemed in order otherwise.
This was of course before the drama as we now all know it started to unfold. In the months following our visit I had some less that pleasant internet based run-ins with Mr. Walker, which I found very hard to reconcile with the person I had met in real life and I still wonder what the hell happened to make things deteriorate to the point they are now at.
A good friend of mine put forth the notion that Mr. Walker could be a mythomaniac and it is as good an explanation as any I’ve read. Still, it makes me wonder how one could even begin to mess up what seemed like such a wonderful opportunity to me. I weep for his children…
The Ilian data supports a sad theory. In the end I hope it bolsters how the Enlightenment suggests that we think: ‘No Innate Principles’, ‘Abuse of Words’, and ‘Value to our Reasonings’ thanks to M. Locke.