La Léproserie de Meursault…
So, late yesterday afternoon we had the first hail of the growing season. I linked Thibault Morey’s hail video (on Facebook) yesterday, and today I spoke with some growers and looked at the vines.
The spread of hail was a little wider than was first reported (by me), with vines also in Blagny and Meursault touched – mainly high on the hill – I even heard that a little Pommard was hit but I couldn’t verify it.
Essentially it was the canopy that was peppered with holes, and that canopy overwhelmingly protected the latent clusters of flowers below, I did see a few damaged parts to the clusters but it was minimal and will have no impact on either volume or quality – this time. You see the extent of the ‘shot’ in the images below.
As it turns out, hail is not the only concern just now; it’s much colder this week, but cloud-cover ensured that temperatures didn’t drop below 6°C yesterday evening, though in Arnay le Duc (on the plateau above the Côte d’Or) the ground was white with frost this morning, after a 0°C night. Nobody wants to see that! I did a small tour of the wall of Meursault Clos des Perrières this morning as the south-facing part had the first flowering I found last year, but still nothing yet…
Lastly, The Léproserie in Meursault is very soon to open its doors to tourists and I find the combination of the old with the new visitor reception to be really excellent – maybe it helped the sky was quite moody today!
There are 2 responses to “hail update & get ready for the léproserie”
What is La Léproserie?
The Léproserie was an old hospital just outsite Meursault where people with ‘Leprosy’ disease where treated. The old building in Meursaul has recently been completely restored.
Bill, have you seen much use at all, particularly in the Cotes de Beaune hail ‘hotspots’, of that experimental green anti-hail netting I saw & photo’d around Morey at vendange time last year ? Any thoughts on it or any grower thoughts/comments ? Thx.
Hi Mark.
Yes you can see a couple of netting areas in Pommard, one high up and another in the flat close to the roundabout south of Beaune. I’ve not had a chance to speak to the owners of those plots yet though…