hail update & get ready for the léproserie


 La Léproserie de Meursault…

So, late yesterday afternoon we had the first hail of the growing season. I linked Thibault Morey’s hail video (on Facebook) yesterday, and today I spoke with some growers and looked at the vines.

The spread of hail was a little wider than was first reported (by me), with vines also in Blagny and Meursault touched – mainly high on the hill – I even heard that a little Pommard was hit but I couldn’t verify it.

Essentially it was the canopy that was peppered with holes, and that canopy overwhelmingly protected the latent clusters of flowers below, I did see a few damaged parts to the clusters but it was minimal and will have no impact on either volume or quality – this time. You see the extent of the ‘shot’ in the images below.

As it turns out, hail is not the only concern just now; it’s much colder this week, but cloud-cover ensured that temperatures didn’t drop below 6°C yesterday evening, though in Arnay le Duc (on the plateau above the Côte d’Or) the ground was white with frost this morning, after a 0°C night. Nobody wants to see that! I did a small tour of the wall of Meursault Clos des Perrières this morning as the south-facing part had the first flowering I found last year, but still nothing yet…

Lastly, The Léproserie in Meursault is very soon to open its doors to tourists and I find the combination of the old with the new visitor reception to be really excellent – maybe it helped the sky was quite moody today!

Agree? Disagree? Anything you'd like to add?

There are 2 responses to “hail update & get ready for the léproserie”

  1. JT21st May 2015 at 2:47 pmPermalinkReply

    What is La Léproserie?

  2. Marko de Morey21st May 2015 at 9:15 pmPermalinkReply

    Bill, have you seen much use at all, particularly in the Cotes de Beaune hail ‘hotspots’, of that experimental green anti-hail netting I saw & photo’d around Morey at vendange time last year ? Any thoughts on it or any grower thoughts/comments ? Thx.

    • billn21st May 2015 at 9:59 pmPermalinkReply

      Hi Mark.
      Yes you can see a couple of netting areas in Pommard, one high up and another in the flat close to the roundabout south of Beaune. I’ve not had a chance to speak to the owners of those plots yet though…

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