poor padmé


Worth your time:

Burgundy_ the wine that makes grown men cry – Telegraph
Darth Vader is My Lover_ Revelations About Brettanomyces in Wine – Palate Press

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There is one response to “poor padmé”

  1. Jon wyand22nd January 2013 at 12:37 pmPermalinkReply

    Bill, VM is always worth it but the Telegraph art dept don’t back her up by spending more than 60 seconds on picture selection ! I’m sure Ch de Pommard will cringe at that old pic, but that’s Alamy for you. Still Ch Pommard is now a “prestigious burgundy producer” apparently….
    Do you agree ?

    • billn22nd January 2013 at 12:59 pmPermalinkReply

      Hmmm. “prestigious burgundy producer” – well they don’t feature on many people’s lists do they Jon? My experience is rather limited, but wines (post-2006) that I’ve tasted have all been rather better than my modest expectation for a property who’s main marketing emphasis positions them as a tourist destination…

Burgundy Report

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