GEVREY-CHAMBERTIN 2009 75cl 69.00 (Swiss francs)
CLOS DE LA ROCHE 2009 75cl 298.00
MAZIS-CHAMBERTIN 2009 75cl 345.00
BONNES-MARES 2009 75cl 345.00
CHAMBERTIN CLOS DE BEZE 2009 75cl 398.00
CORTON CHARLEMAGNE 2009 75cl 168.00
Grands Crus are sold only together with Village or Premiers Crus – apparently. Aspirational pricing that loses the soul of the place in my opinion – it gives the impression of somebody more focused on cash than place I’m afraid to say (is it him or his importers?).
I think a fair question is ‘why would you pay twice the price for a Clos de la Roche from this producer (by the way, his cheapest GC red), than from Laurent Ponsot?’…
There are 11 responses to “offer of the day – olivier bernstein…”
I don’t know where you can buy for Ponsot’s clos de la roche 2009 for CHF 150 but i’d love to know. I bought it en primeur from L&W for almost twice that (Laurent did increase his prices pretty substantially vs. 08)…
This being said, I agree with your main point.
Maybe Thomas, but the 99pt 2005 was less than 150chf in Switzerland – if you could get a bottle. I’m sure it’s still below 200 now…
Edit – actually Ponsot CdLR was just over 200chf in 08. I didn’t see a price for 09.
This makes me feel alot happier spending a small fortune on other newcomers in the cote!
Ponsot’s pricing for the Clos de la Roche and CSD is up more than 100% over 2008 (apparently ex-cellar too). I’ve only seen three sets of prices for CDLR offered in Europe in the last month that were below 300€ per bottle. The lowest was 215€ and the other two were closer to 280€. Those bottles sold out almost instantly. This compares with widely available prices of 100€ per bottle for the 2008 Clos de la Roche a year ago. I’ve also seen insanely high offers of the Clos de la Roche at 700€ per bottle.
Laurent seems determined to not leave any money on the table for the 2009’s. The real question is, if you can buy the 2008 Ponsot Clos de la Roche for 100€, do you really want to spend three to five times as much for the 2009?
Hi Don,
Let’s call a spade a spade (or a gouge a gougères…) Regardless of how quickly they sold out, if you have one offer at €215, lets be (very) generous and assume an unlikely 20% margin – so Ponsot sold for €180. So ex cellars cannot be up by 100% – the swiss market is rather rational, and first tier importers don’t have anything like this massive annual difference – what the market chooses (and by extension the purchasers) as acceptable is another thing of-course, hence, the disparity of your quotes.
As David Bennet above alludes, there are other ‘new kids on the block’ with very well reviewed (09) wines that I also think excellent, whose prices are fraction of those quoted in this particular offer. And that’s because wine-making can also be about philosophy, not purely profit. I applaud producers who see merchants making excessive calls (however anyone wants to define that – but making more money than the winemaker might be a decent enough definition) and so reduce their allocation.
The old argument is that wine-merchants did all the hard work to ‘break’ new talent. High BH scores were a boon to merchants for a while, but can also work against them if it becomes easier for the producer to sell more direct…
There were at least three retail offers of 2008 Ponsot CDLR in Europe at 100€ last year and I bought some from one of those merchants. I’m not talking about 100€ wholesale. By any measure, the retail price is up over 100% last year. One merchant in Belgium told me that Ponsot increased his price 100% on the 2009, but I haven’t been able to verify that. I do know of some others, however, who have definitely taken 50% increases on their top wines.
€264 (all in) for 2009 Ponsot’s CdlR in Ireland this year. I find all of his prices in 09 to be a bit of a joke.
Needless to say though, that the Bernstein prices are even more rediculous in light of his recent arrival in the region. I’m horrified by the inexorable increase in Burgundy prices, if this continues it looks like I might have to bow out of buying my favourite wines altogether…
The prices are about 20% more than what I see in Singapore, assuming I can get allocations for them though.
An importer here in California lists prices similar to these as a “steal,” and “extremely well-priced premier cru burgundy!”
Bill, I too agree with your main point, however from a business standpoint, I’d have to place the blame on the consumer and the press. The wines will sell (if they haven’t already). How can one blame a business or individual for meeting the price to demand? And with all the hype surrounding the 09’s, it’s no wonder people are paying what he’s asking. My answer (not with his wines) is to look to (in my opinion) the better 08’s at much more reasonable price.
My approach exactly Rick!
Olivier Bernstein’s Clos de la Roche and Bonnes Mares are GBP150 in UK.
Good for him…and for his buyers! Looks like I will never be one of them! Just bought a case of Fourrier Gevrey villages for much much less and probably way way better
Only because I think that it’s incredibly difficult to come up with objective info if we are left in the hands of multiple merchants and their pricing – with all the multitude of factors and drivers that that involves – I asked Laurent Ponsot if he might comment on the actual position re his 2009 pricing. Okay, there is another reason; I dragged his name into this in first place!
The result is that prices have gone up – a lot – but 100% is not correct:
My own thoughts: Well looking at the producer perspective it is very hard not to empathise, sympathise even, at why this has happened. From a consumer perspective of-course it is a tax on the long-term, faithful enthusiast, but of-course, nothing like the tax that remains outside the domaine’s control. Fair to say that (given the apparent size of the grey-market and reselling/flipping) those people may be in a minority though.
This changes nothing about my position re the pricing of the Bernstein wines. The ‘maison’ is very young – first vintage 2007. If vines had been purchased and it was decidied that the business model would be to repay that cost over say 25 years (more typically today it’s just about preserving investment capital as prices are just barmy) prices would need to be a bit higher still! But these are bought-in grapes, and expensive as those grapes are, pricing like this remains incredibly self-indulgent.
I’ve been reading this thread with interest & had convinced myself not to ‘get involved’ but I can’t resist now – on two counts :-
1) Ever since, and its not recently, I first saw BBR’s hyperbole (and it is) around Bernstein and the prices of his wines I thought ‘you’ve got to be kidding’. When the thread here first started I thought to myself “Well, fancy that” and quietly applauded, as I’d been thinking all sorts about the marketing of Bernstein wines for quite a while. Jasper may not like it but, and I’ve nothing against the gentleman, I do though just find the whole Bernstein attitude, and I’ve been through the website again tonight, just almost insufferably arrogant, mickey taking, and practically insulting of one’s intelligence. I’ll be quite honest in saying I’ve not tasted the wines but neither can I find a compelling reason to make me want to do so – quite the contrary. Bill’s last para above just says it all to me and there’s more besides. How can Bernstein just ‘arrive’ as a negociant (what’s all this micro stuff ?) and make out, and charge, like he’s ‘top dog’ over several longstanding, multi generation, hard working, committed domaines – let alone other serious negociants ? Is his Charmes-Chambertin better than Roty’s TVV for example ? I could go on with more comparisons if I had the time – but Vosne Suchots 2009 £92.90 a bottle ???? Similarly his whites – incroyable ! Does he think he’s Dominique Lafon, M Coche Dury, P-Y C-M or what ? Not for me thanks. I hope the buyers like them and reckon they’ve got VFM, or do we might expect to see the wines reduced in sales or bin end lists, or in auctions in years to come ? His claims re grape producton in the vineyard, and winemaking practices are I’m sure no different in care and quality terms than quite a few, thankfully more self effacing, individuals.
2) Laurent Ponsot’s views. I cannot disagree with him one iota. Sure, I’d love to have more of his wines than the few, older, vintages I have. An afternoon years ago (late 90’s) I spent visiting the domaine, one on one with M Ponsot, was one of the most unforgettable burgundy visit experiences of my vinous life – he was great value. I suppose that makes me biased – guilty as charged then. I haven’t forgotten his tackling that New York I think it was auction were wines were being passed off as domaine wines that weren’t or similar – I forget the details exactly. He’s the end to end producer, he takes risks (his team were the last one standing I saw in 2010), he’s obviously made huge investment in Morey. Why should he not charge what he thinks the market will stand ? Its not his fault I can’t afford the wines any longer. Everything he says is valid. I suppose the only way to address (some of ) the issues he raises, but totally impractical I guess would be for him to sell the wines direct ‘cellar door’ as it were, direct to the end drinker, to buyers on a ‘subscription’ list (isn’t this what high end US wineries do ?), but I guess he hasn’t got the time, inclination, or wherewithal to do this – which has lots of issues all of its own. If he did though and I was on the list, and the price was affordable, I’d be happy to drive over and collect – or collect when on the Cote for another reason !
Wonder when I should think about trying the Ponsot 97 CDLR, 96 Griottes or 98 Griottes. Then there’s a couple of his superb Monts Luisants winking at me !
Sorry for the rant ! That’s the effect of M Bernstein’s prices.
I searched Jancis Robinsons tasting notes for 2011 and searched by highest points first. The bernstein clos beze is the highest scoring red burgundy that one actually has a chance of buying. All the other wines in this rating bracket are simply not available to the man on the street either through price or allocation.