Back from travelling and will likely have to suffer England playing football tonight – probably I need more than one bottle! I did however note a very loud cheer in the Irish bar last night when the second Mexican goal was scored! Whilst on the football theme I wonder how ‘der Kaiser’s’ critiques are coming along 😉
As an aperitif (short-lasting it must be said, the match hasn’t even started) I enjoyed this Fixin blanc – perhaps not a candidate for long search but it’s a rare appellation and was very tasty.
2007 L&A Lignier, Fixin Champs de Vosger
Medium yellow. The nose is of fresh, faintly spritzy, slightly unripe pineapple – which I find preferable to ripe pineapple! The acid is just a little forward but this has a nice kick of concentration and is very moreish in a kind of lemon sorbet vernacular. There’s good texture – the acidity ensuring that there is no obvious fat – and the merest hint of creaminess in the mid-palate. Not bad value and yum.
Rebuy – Yes