updating for the next days


Just a quick apology and pre-apology!

The apology is for those users of the NoteFinder:

Leider benötigt Ihr Web im Moment 260 MB RAM. Ihnen stehen laut Vertrag jedoch nur 64 MB zu. Daher haben wir uns entschlossen Ihr Web auf 160 MB RAM zu begrenzen. Dies ist aus Schutz, da Sie sonst im schlimmsten Fall den ganzen Server für andere Kunden blockieren bzw. die Performance erheblich beeinträchtigen.

That basically mean that the ‘application’ is too successful so they will now make it fail in order to push me to spend 10x what I currently spend to make it work – nice huh! So sorry to those users that are fed up with how it works right now.

The pre-apology is because a few things could get quirky around here while I move it – TADA! – to a new solution. Hopefully it will be online by the weekend and will work 🙂

Apology mode over!

And now, from The PourA bargain at half the price

Agree? Disagree? Anything you'd like to add?

There is one response to “updating for the next days”

  1. Phil Eaves4th February 2010 at 6:32 pmPermalinkReply

    Bill, interesting piece I always thought the prices in US reflected the shipping cost and local distribution etc. and was building an argument around this when a quick wine search shows prices in Europe from 488 USD to 942 USD for the #MC Richebourg 2007? I guess at these levals its what you can negotiate…………..but I still struggle with the concept that these producers cannot afford their own wines ?

    I simply cannot afford to drink at this leval but once in a blue moon I will be tempted by the odd one or two for that………… moment, a 1993 DRC Richebourg still lingers in the memory.


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