wine report r.i.p.


stevenson_wine_reportI see from the Decanter newsfeed (‘click’ Decanter News at the top right of this diary page) that the Wine Report of, or rather edited by, Tom Stevenson may be no more. If Dorling Kindersley, that stalwart of (popular) wine publishing is giving up, I find it hard to see how WR may be resurrected. From the comments of TomS:

‘Everybody in the trade who has ever seen Wine Report wants the next edition as soon as it’s published’

– maybe they should try and get the trade to cough up the bulk of the publishing costs if they need a sustainable business model. It was certainly a curious concept in that all wine-producing regions got the same coverage, whether Belgium or Bordeaux – perhaps it was best suited to the trade. Shame, and they were such nice people 😉

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