Well back in March Bernard Repolt had said we were in for a treat “if the bottle is good”, but when the cork came out so did all my fears.
I’d never seen anything like this before, but the good news was that the clean end was in the bottle and the mess had eaten less than half way towards the wine. First sniffs weren’t promising but after about half an hour the wine settled down to the business of wowing us.
1976 Remoissenet, Le Montrachet
Quite deep gold, just touched with bronze. Very rich on the nose – initially nutty and honeyed and, I worried, just a touch oxidised. With time it grew in stature and complexity, adding notes of candied apricot, truffle and yellow apples. In the mouth it was fabulously rich and full, yet quite restrained – perhaps structured would be a better word – with great complexity and length. The flavours were fresher than on the nose including green apples but it was whole and majestic. A splendid bottle, my one and only and a huge gamble purchased at auction last year. Sometimes the sun shines…
Rebuy – fat chance !
Comment from Bill:
For info, Peter has a super tasting of 2003’s recently added to his own site – here.