

There’s an old saying that goes something like:

Opinions are like ********* – everyone has one!

Well when it comes to burgundy, here are my standbys:

  • What YOU like is what you like
  • Be Curious
  • Avoid Artifice – i.e. too much of anything, e.g. oak, ripeness, concentration, dilution etc….
  • Enjoyment is 90% about timing

I thought this note might be about ’10 Burgundy commandments’ but I ran out after 4 – though I thought it was a good 4! Certainly ‘commandments’ is anyway the wrong word, but any more ideas from the stalls?

Agree? Disagree? Anything you'd like to add?

There are 7 responses to “burgundy…”

  1. Bruce McQuistan21st May 2008 at 3:57 pmPermalinkReply

    0) Trust Your Palate.
    1) Let the Wine Tell You How It Should Be Enjoyed.
    2) Usually, Vinter Trumps Vintage, Except In 1998, among others.
    3) Usually, Every Vintage Has A Story and A Success, Except In 1998, among others.
    4) Sample Widely Across Terroirs.
    5) Sample Widely Across Vintners.
    6) Sample Widely Across Vintages.
    7) Terroir Is Not Defined By The Village.
    8) Depth Is Not Weight.
    9) Be Patient.
    10) Be Suspicious.

    11) Cost Brings A Logarithmic Return On Enjoyment

  2. David Bennett21st May 2008 at 8:40 pmPermalinkReply

    My one and only motto is “balance rules”.

    It’s simple and keeps me from buying “over done” stuff!



  3. Tom Blach21st May 2008 at 8:47 pmPermalinkReply

    98 is proving to have many splendid things to offer, Bruce!
    My number one tip would be that burgundy very often fails to reveal itself in any way at all, and that just because nothing(or worse) is showing it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
    And therefore 11 bottle lots can be an excellent buy!

  4. bill nanson22nd May 2008 at 8:45 amPermalinkReply

    I have few problems with 98 – save how long I have to wait of-course, but many wines that were formerly hideously astringent are now only faintly astringent and have good fruit behind indeed sometimes quite mature fruit – another 5 years – it’s only a matter of time – refer to my point 4! 😉

  5. Peter S23rd May 2008 at 8:01 amPermalinkReply

    Bruce, your #8 is a great truth simply stated – I love it !

    However, as per previous comments I can’t agree on 98-bashing. There are some great wines, a few of which are even starting to show very well. They are all coloured by a certain warm sturdiness, but I would say vintner prevails – EVEN in 98 !

    97 however I cannot find any enthusiasm for……

    Perhaps we just have different palates ?


  6. Dave Lester23rd May 2008 at 11:22 amPermalinkReply

    My “truth”:

    Don’t despise lowly appellations. From the right producers, regional and village wines can give great pleasure.

  7. Bruce McQuistan23rd May 2008 at 12:45 pmPermalinkReply

    Oh well, one steps out into the light to find different shadows.

    Forgive the ’98 bashing, but I’ve had a number of watery ones from favorite vintners. Pplus, I’m just trying to make fun of my own maxims because there are always exceptions.

    I guess the exception to the exceptions is that we agree that burgundy r00lz.


Burgundy Report

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