Thursday was jammed packed with good stuff. We harvested grapes in Pommard just above “Les Charmots” and then in the afternoon just over line in Beaune. This was another picture perfect day with cool, dry weather and sunshine and clouds. The weather for harvest is perfect. Like I’ve said before, this is hard work. I worked tractor detail today… dropping the empty cartons along the rows and then coming back to put them on the tractor after they are filled. It is trully amazing how quickly a vineyard can be harvested with a good group of people. In addition to having fun, these folks know the meaning of teamwork. We knocked out an entire vineyard before lunch. And we had the red wine stained hands to prove it.
At 3:30 we made a visit to Domaine Camus, where we made a quick visit to his cellars then up to the one of his 5 Grand Cru vineyards, “Charmes-Chambertin.” He had so many workers out there that he used a bus to transport them. In the brief time I spent with him, I asked Hubert Camus what he thought of the harvest. Although “Charmes-Chambertin” received some hail, he was very pleased with the quality of the grapes. “This is going to be a special wine,” he said with a smile. Hubert always seems to be at ease everytime I have see him, but today his gentle disposition and smile asured me that this was going to be a great vintage. Of course, It’s hard to imagine anything else from “Charmes-Chambertin.”
We get that feeling from most of the producers. There are smiles and singing throughout Burgundy. Despite a few problems here and there, I get the feeling we’re in for another fun vintage.
Tonite at DInner it was “Take me Out to The ball game.” Of course that was after another encore performance of “Do Wah Ditty…” Harvest is finished tomorrow and tomorrow night is the celebration dinner.
John McCune in Pommard.